

1. Framework configuration: A. es_extended version higher or equal too 1.11.0 · 2. Global configuration. Add the image of your items in ...


Offical guide to installing ESX Legacy. Make sure you have successfully installed and setup your database before you start!

esx:getSharedObject Deprecation

This event has been in ESX for around 5 years and should no longer be used since we now have way better ways to import the ESX object into your script!

Es_extended script error after migrated to linux from windows

I am migrated fivem server to linux (ubuntu 22.04), from windows. Successfully installed mariadb, apache2 etc, but if run the server, got an unexpected error.

[HELP] Use the getSharedObject Event, this event no longer exists

This event has been in ESX for around 5 years and should no longer be used since we now have way better ways to import the ESX object into your script!

es_extendedREADME.md at master

es_extended is a roleplay framework for FiveM. It is developed on top of EssentialMode (aka ES), thus commonly named ESX - the EssentialMode Extended framework ...

Index - ESX Documentation

This is the index page for the ES Extended documentation. Should be noted that we sometimes don't focus on updating the documentation the same time as we push ...

no such export getsharedobject in resource es_extended

Consult the es_extended documentation for the correct loading order. Ensure es_extended's dependencies are loaded before es_extended itself.


1.Frameworkconfiguration:A.es_extendedversionhigherorequaltoo1.11.0·2.Globalconfiguration.Addtheimageofyouritemsin ...,OfficalguidetoinstallingESXLegacy.Makesureyouhavesuccessfullyinstalledandsetupyourdatabasebeforeyoustart!,ThiseventhasbeeninESXforaround5yearsandshouldnolongerbeusedsincewenowhavewaybetterwaystoimporttheESXobjectintoyourscript!,Iammigratedfivemservertolinux(ubuntu22.04),fromwi...